5 de abril de 2014

Nuevos títulos en la BC: Ciencia y Tecnología

En esta sección encontrarán ordenados por tema algunos de los últimos libros ingresados en la BC, para cada uno se incluye la cita bibliográfica, la ubicación en el estante y un resumen del contenido tomado de la contratapa, de librerías u otros sitios en Internet.

Temas: Programación, álgebra, física, química, zoología, ciencias médicas, ingenierías.


Exploring chaos : theory and experiment / Brian Davies. - Colorado : Westview, c2004. - xiii, 241 p. : il. ; 23 cm. This work is an elementary introduction to the theory of dynamical systems and chaos. The main aim is to explore the deep relationship between dynamical systems, chaos and fractals, and to uncover structure even where order seems to be absent.  
ISBN: 0813341272 9780813341279
Ubicación en la BC:003.85 / D2552 2004

Domain-specific languages / Martin Fowler. - New Jersey : Addison-Wesley, c2011. - xxviii, 597 p. : il. ; 24 cm. When carefully selected and used, Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) may simplify complex code, promote effective communication with customers, improve productivity, and unclog development bottlenecks. In Domain-Specific Languages , noted software development expert Martin Fowler first provides the information software professionals need to decide if and when to utilize DSLs. Then, where DSLs prove suitable, Fowler presents effective techniques for building them, and guides software engineers in choosing the right approaches for their applications. This book’s techniques may be utilized with most modern object-oriented languages; the author provides numerous examples in Java and C#, as well as selected examples in Ruby. Wherever possible, chapters are organized to be self-standing, and most reference topics are presented in a familiar patterns format. Armed with this wide-ranging book, developers will have the knowledge they need to make important decisions about DSLs—and, where appropriate, gain the significant technical and business benefits they offer. The topics covered include: How DSLs compare to frameworks and libraries, and when those alternatives are sufficient; using parsers and parser generators, and parsing external DSLs; understanding, comparing, and choosing DSL language constructs; determining whether to use code generation, and comparing code generation strategies; previewing new language workbench tools for creating DSLs.
ISBN: 0321712943 (encuadernado : papel alcalino) 9780321712943 (encuadernado : papel alcalino)
Ubicación en la BC:005.13 / F7851 2011


Introducción al álgebra lineal / Howard Anton. - 3ª ed. - México : Limusa, [200-?]. - 422 p. : il. ; 26 cm. Por el equilibrio entre la teoría y sus aplicaciones prácticas, esta obra ha gozado de la aceptación de profesores y de varias generaciones de estudiantes a nivel de educación superior. Esta edición corregida presenta ahora una nueva sección que tiene como objetivo ayudar al estudfiante a desarrollar su habilidad en el uso de software aplicado a las matemáticas.
ISBN: 9681816609
Ubicación en la BC:512.5 / H8481.E 2000


GCSE physics / Tom Duncan. - 3rd ed. - London : J. Murray, 1995. - viii, 352 p. : il. ; 28 cm.
This edition is in full colour and in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum and the revised GSCE Physics syllabuses. It is designed for students studying for GCSE, IGCSE, UCLES Cambridge and London overseas O level Physics and equivalent examinations. Since publication "GCSE Physics" has been adopted and it is now established as one of the leading courses for students preparing for GCSE or equivalent examinations, throughout the world. It has been updated for the third edition to keep in line with the revised National Curriculum and the new GCSE Physics syllabuses. New features include: redesigned layout, with colour used to highlight features such as extension work and checklists; artwork and photographs updated and full colour used throughout; chapters on energy and energy sources expanded and updated; a new section, "Physics Investigations", including 21 suggestions for activities; and questions revised to include ones from recent past papers. 
ISBN: 0719553016
Ubicación en la BC:530 / D9127 1995

Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics / F. Reif. - Long Grove : Waveland Press, 2009. - x, 651 p. : il. ; 24 cm. All macroscopic systems consist ultimately of atoms obeying the laws of quantum mechanics. That premise forms the basis for this comprehensive text, intended for a first upper-level course in statistical and thermal physics. Reif emphasizes that the combination of microscopic concepts with some statistical postulates leads readily to conclusions on a purely macroscopic level. The author s writing style and penchant for description energize interest in condensed matter physics as well as provide a conceptual grounding with information that is crystal clear and memorable. Reif first introduces basic probability concepts and statistical methods used throughout all of physics. Statistical ideas are then applied to systems of particles in equilibrium to enhance an understanding of the basic notions of statistical mechanics, from which derive the purely macroscopic general statements of thermodynamics. Next, he turns to the more complicated equilibrium situations, such as phase transformations and quantum gases, before discussing nonequilibrium situations in which he treats transport theory and dilute gases at varying levels of sophistication. In the last chapter, he addresses some general questions involving irreversible processes and fluctuations. A large amount of material is presented to facilitate students later access to more advanced works, to allow those with higher levels of curiosity to read beyond the minimum given on a topic, and to enhance understanding by presenting several ways of looking at a particular question. Formatting within the text either signals material that instructors can assign at their own discretion or highlights important results for easy reference to them. Additionally, by solving many of the 230 problems contained in the text, students activate and embed their knowledge of the subject matter. 
ISBN: 9781577666127 1577666127
Ubicación en la BC:530.13 / R3611 2009

The quantum theory of radiation / by W. Heitler. - 3rd ed. - New York : Dover Publications, 1984. - xiii, 430 p. : il. ; 22 cm. Versión original: 3a ed. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1954. (The International series of monographs on physics) The first comprehensive treatment of quantum physics in any language, this classic introduction to the basic theory remains highly recommended and in wide use, both as a text and as a reference. A unified and accurate guide to the application of radiative processes, it explores the mathematics and physics of quantum theory.  
ISBN: 0486645584 (pbk.)
Ubicación en la BC:537.6 / H4736 1984
Theoretical nuclear physics / Amos deShalit, Herman Feshbach. - New York : J. Wiley, 1974- - v. : il. ; 24 cm. v. 1. Nuclear structure. Presents, in a concise, systematic & lucid form, the achievements of nuclear research over half a century. Throughout, the emphasis is on the fundamental principles underlying our present understanding of nuclear structure & interactions. Readers will gain sufficient insight to turn to the original literature & review articles with ease & to their best advantage.
ISBN: 0471203858 (v. 1)
Ubicación en la BC:
539.7 / S5281 1974

Fundamentos de química orgánica / Paula Yurkanis Bruice ; tr. Víctor Campos Olguín , Sergio Durán Reyes ; Revisión técnica Anel Verónica Garduño García , Luis Ríos Villaseñor. - 1a ed. - México, D.F. : Pearson Educación, 2007 - Paginación varia : il. ; 27 cm. Traducido de: Organic chemistry.
La finalidad de este libro es ofrecer a los estudiantes un enfoque de la química orgánica como una ciencia emocionante y con mucha importancia en la vida cotidiana. Así, la obra gira en torno a las características fundamentales y a los conceptos unificadores de la ciencia, y hace hincapié en los principios que se pueden aplicar de manera constante en el análisis de los fenómenos de diversos campos. La química orgánica forma parte integral de la biología y de la vida cotidiana. Por consiguiente, a lo largo de esta obra se incluyen alrededor de 100 cuadros informativos, diseñados para mostrar al alumno la relevancia de la química orgánica en la medicina (suturas absorbibles, control del colesterol y tratamiento de enfermedades cardiacas, o uso de la sangre artificial); en la agricultura (herbicidas resistentes, lluvia ácida, pesticidas naturales y sintéticos); en la nutrición (las grasas trans, tasa metabólica basal, ácidos grasos omega); y en la vida que compartimos en este planeta (combustibles fósiles, medidas de toxicidad, polímeros biodegradables). 
ISBN: 9789702610229 9702610222
Ubicación en la BC:547 / B892.E 2007


Principios integrales de zoología / Cleveland P. Hickman, Jr. ... [et al.]. - 14a ed. - Madrid : McGraw-Hill, c2009. - xiv, 917 p. : il. ; 29 cm. Traducido de: Integrated principles of zoology, 14a ed.
Reorganiza los invertebrados de acuerdo con los avances más recientes. Incorpora la filogenia molecular como criterio taxonómico. Avance cualitativo importante al aplicar las últimas teorías en Zoología.  
ISBN: 9788448168896
Ubicación en la BC:591 / I61118.E 2009

Vertebrates : comparative anatomy, function, evolution / Kenneth V. Kardong. - 6th ed. - New York : McGraw-Hill, c2012. - xix, 794 p. : il. ; 28 cm. This text presents both the vertebraic structure and its evolutionary development and significance, allowing students to learn why a structure is the way it is, as well as what it is. There is an integration of structure and anatomy, emphasising the comparative nature of anatomy, and showing the evolution of different structures. There are 16 full-colour pages as well as numerous illustrations showing anatomical detail, especially at the cellular level. The coverage of cladistics is completely new to this edition.
ISBN: 9780071086554
Ubicación en la BC:596 / K1832 2012

Medical instrumentation : application and desing / edited by John G. Webster ; [contributing authors John W. Clark ... et al.]. - 4th ed. - [Estados Unidos] : J. Wiley & Sons, c2010. - xix, 713 p. : il. ; 24 cm.
Completely updated with the latest information in the field, the new fourth edition of this book provides an overview of the basic concepts of medical instrumentation. Throughout the pages, it clearly shows the interdisciplinary nature of bioinstrumentation. 
ISBN: 9780471676003
Ubicación en la BC:610.28 / M4894 2010

Instrumentación electrónica moderna y técnicas de medición / Albert D. Helfrick, William D. Cooper ; traducción, David Pérez Gutiérrez. - México : Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, 1991. - xii, 450 p. : il. ; 23 cm.
Traducción de: Modern electronic instrumentation and measurement techniques.
La obra hace un examen de la instrumentación electrónica y de las técnicas de medición. Se enfoca en las aplicaciones y no en la teoría, además de presentar y explicar las técnicas de medición fundamentales y los sistemas orientados a la computadora. Cada capítulo incluye referencias actualizadas, problemas de repaso y ejemplos, cuyas respuestas se indican al final del libro. Se incluye el estudio del osciloscopio y el analizador de espectro digitales.
ISBN: 9688802360
Ubicación en la BC:621.3810287 / H4748.E 1991

Termodinámica / Yunus A. Çengel, Michael A. Boles ; revisión técnica Máximo Cargnelutti, Guillermo Eduardo Mejía Hernández, Armando Sansón Ortega ... [et al. ; tr. Virgilio González y Pozo, Sergio Sarmiento Ortega]. - 7a ed. - México, D.F. : McGraw-Hill, 2012. - xxv, 1009 p. : il. ; 27 cm.
Traducción de: Thermodynamics: an engineering approach, 7th ed.
Esta nueva edición de Termodinámica facilita que los estudiantes desarrollen una comprensión más intuitiva de la termodinámica. Cengel y Boles exploran las facetas de la termodinámica a través de cuidadosas explicaciones de los conceptos y del uso de numerosos ejemplos prácticos. * Se han actualizado un gran número de dibujos y figuras. * Contiene más de 400 problemas nuevos. * Incorpora ejemplos nuevos y modificados. * Se incluye una sección actualizada sobre la dimensión y las unidades, en el capítulo 1. * En el capítulo 6 se incorporó un nuevo apartado sobre rendimiento de los refrigeradores, los acondicionadores de aire y las bombas de calor * Se actualizó la sección sobre la eficiencia de segunda ley y sus repercusiones en la vida cotidiana.
ISBN: 9786071507433
Ubicación en la BC:621.4021 / E573.E 2012

Transferencia de calor y masa : fundamentos y aplicaciones / Yunus A. Çengel, Afshin J. Ghajar ; [traducción de Erika Jasso Hernán D'Borneville]. - 4a ed. - México, D. F. : McGraw-Hill, c2011. - xxii, 920, [2] p. : il. ; 27 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 plg.). Traduccido de: Heat and Mass Transfer. Este libro se ha convertido en un clásico para la enseñanza de la transferencia de calor y masa. Los objetivos centrales de este texto son: cubrir los principios básicos de transferencia de calor, presentar varios ejemplos de ingeniería en el mundo real para dar a los estudiantes una idea de cómo la transferencia de calor se aplica en la práctica y desarrollar una comprensión intuitiva de la transferencia de calor, mediante un hincapié en la física y argumentos físicos.  
ISBN: 9786071505408
Ubicación en la BC:621.4022 / E573.E 2011

Handbook of water and wastewater treatment plant operations / Frank R. Spellman. - 2nd ed. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2009. - xxxix, 826 p. : il. ; 28 cm. Hailed on its initial publication as a real-world, practical handbook, the second edition of Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations continues to make the same basic point: water and wastewater operators must have a basic skill set that is both wide and deep. They must be generalists, well-rounded in the sciences, cyber operations, math operations, mechanics, technical concepts, and common sense. With coverage that spans the breadth and depth of the field, the handbook explores the latest principles and technologies and provides information necessary to prepare for licensure exams. Expanded from beginning to end, this second edition provides a no-holds-barred look at current management issues and includes the latest security information for protecting public assets. It presents in-depth coverage of management aspects and security needs and a new chapter covering the basics of blueprint reading. The chapter on water and wastewater mathematics has tripled in size and now contains an additional 200 problems and 350 math system operational problems with solutions. The manual examines numerous real-world operating scenarios, such as the intake of raw sewage and the treatment of water via residual management, and each scenario includes a comprehensive problem-solving practice set. The text follows a non-traditional paradigm based on real-world experience and proven parameters. Clearly written and user friendly, this revision of a bestseller builds on the remarkable success of the first edition. This book is a thorough compilation of water science, treatment information, process control procedures, problem-solving techniques, safety and health information, and administrative and technological trends.
ISBN: 9781420075304 (alk. paper)
Ubicación en la BC:
628.162 / S743 2009

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